Unique, These Are 6 Types Of Plants Named Based On Animal Names

JAKARTA - The plants in this world have extraordinary diversity. Each type of plant has its own uniqueness, for example in terms of appearance. Many plants have leaves, stems, flowers, and other parts that are unique and unusual.

Sometimes, plant parts have a shape that resembles animal parts. The plants were also named based on their resemblance. Here are six examples of plants whose names contain animal names because of their uniqueness

Aloe vera

Aloe vera (Aloe vera) is a very well-known plant. Most likely you've seen it and feel the benefits. Aloe vera contains 99.5 percent water. Aloe vera meat is widely used in the food, medicine, and beauty industries.

Plants originating from the Arabian peninsula are very suitable to live in dry environments. Aloe vera is easy to care for and can still grow well without having to water it regularly. No wonder, if aloe vera likes to be used as a display plant also in small pots.

Orthosiphon/Cat whiskers

This plant is called cat's whiskers because the size of the stamens is longer than the flower crown so that it resembles the shape of a cat's whiskers. This plant can grow up to 1.5 meters. Native to Southeast Asia including Indonesia, Cat whiskers are commonly called Javatea in English.

This plant is useful for herbal medicine. It is believed to have several properties such as treating high blood pressure, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections. The parts that are consumed from this plant are the leaves and the tips of the stems. While the part that resembles a cat's whiskers is not used in medicine.

Anthurium/Elephant Ears

This plant is called Elephant Ears because of its wide leaf shape like elephant ears. Its nickname is Anthurium crystallinum. There are about 1000 species of plants that come from South America. Because of its beauty, Elephant Ears are often used as ornamental plants. The brightly colored part is often mistaken for the flower, but this is a flower sheath that serves to protect the flower. The flower itself is the part sticking up from the base of the flower sheath.

Platycerium/Deer Antlers

This plant has a leaf shape like deer antlers. This plant belongs to the genus Platycerium. In Greek, the word Platy means wide and Ceras means horn. Because of its unique shape, this plant is sometimes used as an ornamental plant which is usually attached to a tree or wall to beautify the yard.

In maintaining deer antler plants, must be watered every day. If not watered for more than five days, the deer's antlers will dry and turn yellow.

Kalanchoe Calandiva/Duck lips

This plant from Madagascar has thick leaves and wavy edges. Duck lips or Kalanchoe Calandiva is one type of succulent plant. Maintenance is also easy and does not require too much water. Apart from being an ornamental plant, this plant is also known as an herbal plant whose contents are believed to be able to overcome various diseases, such as coughs, headaches, and skin diseases.

Monkey's Fur

Monkey's fur or also known as Monkey Fern. Plants belonging to the fern family are favored for their brown-blonde fur with a stem-like curve that resembles a monkey's tail. The monkey fern is a species of fern that originates from the tropical rainforests of Sumatra. Treatment of this plant is enough to be watered every two days by misting or spraying so that the hairs are not limp. One of the advantages of this plant comes from the hairs which are commonly used to treat the itching.