Khofifah Prepares Care And Education To Guarantee The Future Of Orphans Victims Of COVID-19

SURABAYA - As many as 6,000 children in East Java are orphans, after their parents died of exposure to COVID-19. The Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, admitted that he had prepared steps to protect care and education to ensure their future.

"Orphans must receive protection from the government. Including their care and education", said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Wednesday, August 25.

Based on data received by Khofifah, there are 6 thousand orphans spread across 38 regencies/cities in East Java. But Khofifah has not been able to convey details, data on orphans who live alone, without caregivers from neighbors or other families.

"But not a few children who end up living alone, it could be that there are children who are then raised by their families," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the survival and future of the orphans, Khofifah admitted that she had coordinated with orphanages and Islamic boarding schools (Ponpes) in East Java. The coordination discussed regulatory issues at each orphanage.

"For example, how old children can they accommodate (Ponpes or orphanages), then what are the requirements", he said.

Khofifah said coordination is very important because not all orphanages accept teenagers. Likewise, Islamic boarding schools, not all accept young children.

"So, this requirement is to ensure that children who are confirmed to be orphans due to COVID-19, can be accepted and cared for by the orphanage and the Islamic boarding school", he said.

In principle, continued Khofifah, she wants to keep the future of the confirmed orphaned child safe. Because they have a lot of expectations, so assistance for them is needed.

"Assistance by caregivers will maintain their quality of life and growth. That way, children who are confirmed as orphans still have the spirit to face the future", he said.

Khofifah admitted that she had also communicated the problem to NU and Muhammadiyah. He hopes that the institution will provide care for children who are confirmed to be orphans. "We also hope that they provide proper care and education", he said.

The General Chairperson of PP Muslimat NU added that many things were lost when children were confirmed to be orphans due to COVID-19, namely love and education guarantees. The East Java Provincial Government wants to take steps to save them.

"Because they need a conducive atmosphere as they develop", he said.