The City Government Prepares A Special Strategy So That Surabaya Can Go Down To Level 2 PPKM

SURABAYA - Greater Surabaya agglomeration area which was originally at level 4, has now dropped to level 3.

This is based on President Joko Widodo's decision when announcing the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) level 2-4, which was extended until August 30.

The Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government, Febriadhitya Prajatara, explained that the Surabaya City Government would implement regulations related to Level 3 PPKM in the City of Heroes in accordance with the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"Of course we are guided by the Ministry of Home Affairs. In accordance with the rules, everything is based on the Ministry of Home Affairs, later on, we will adjust the derivatives of the rules according to the Decree (SK) of the Governor of East Java, after that there will be a Circular (SE) of the Mayor of Surabaya", said Febri, Wednesday, August 25.

Febri also expressed his gratitude to all residents of Surabaya City and all parties who have fought together so that the Greater Surabaya area no longer applies Level 4 PPKM. However, he reminded the public not to be carried away by euphoria and must continue to apply health protocols (prokes).

"Indeed, some shopping centers have been allowed to open, places to eat or restaurants have also been allowed to dine-in. However, we must follow the rules. For example, the place is limited to only 20 people, so we hope to apply 20 people", he said.

He explained that the Surabaya City Government already has a special step or strategy that will be applied so that Level 3 PPKM can immediately go down to level 2.

The municipal government will implement a leveling system at the village scale. Then, after the village scale is successful, it will be enlarged by implementing it at the sub-district scale. Previously, the city government had detailed and mapped the neighborhood area.

"So, we make the city-scale level for the village-scale. From this detailed mapping, the village and sub-district task forces will further intensify the prevention patterns. So that upstream can be prevented from spreading and the chain (COVID-19) can be broken", he said.

Febri explained that the assessment process was carried out based on the transmission rate and response capacity. One of the points on the transmission rate is the number of active confirmed cases per 100.000 population per week.

"So, if the number of active confirmed cases per 100 thousand population is above 150, then it is in level 4. Then, if the number of cases is at 50-150 it goes to level 3. 2. Furthermore, if the number of cases is below 20, it will enter level 1", he said.

Based on the results of the mapping carried out until August 23, there were 21 villages that were in the level 4 category. Therefore, he hoped that the task force in the 21 villages would unite and work together in order to lower the level to level 3 or below.

"Well, in the current position, there are quite a few, quite a few are at level 1 and 2 as well as level 3. We are trying to maintain this", he said.

In an effort to reduce Level 3 PPKM to level 2, continued Febri, the Surabaya City Government needs support from various elements of society. According to him, the togetherness between Surabaya residents, businessmen, National Armed Force (TNI)-National Police (Polri), and the city government can help the city government's efforts to enter Level 2 PPKM.

"On the downstream side, we have prepared Field Hospitals, Healthy Homes, and vaccinations. On the upstream side, we must carry out health procedures, health care discipline, that is the main key to break the chain of COVID-19 spread", said Febri.