PHPN Discourse, Hatta Rajasa: RPJPN Is More Complete Than GBHN

JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Advisory Council (MPP) Hatta Rajasa, stated that even without the GBHN, Indonesia has a well-structured national development direction.

"Indeed we don't have the GBHN (Outlines of State Policy, ed), but that doesn't mean we don't have a development direction," said Hatta Rajasa when delivering a welcoming speech at the peak of PAN's 23rd Anniversary event online, reported by Antara, Monday, 23 August.

According to Hatta Rajasa, the direction of Indonesia's development has been clearly explained in Law Number 17 of 2007 concerning the National Long-Term Development Plan for 2005-2025, which is currently being evaluated by the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) for the development plan for 2025- 2050.

"(The law, ed) has detailed the direction of Indonesia's development goals and targets which are far more complete than the GBHN," he said. it is regulated that the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates use the National Long-Term Development Plan as a reference in formulating work programs that become their political promises in campaigning.

"These promises will become the National Medium-Term Development Plan," Hatta added.

Therefore, for Hatta, the Government's argument that it wants to amend the 1945 Constitution in order to add the Principles of State Policy (PPHN) in order to revive the GBHN and become a reference for the direction of national development, is questionable.

He also said that no one can guarantee that the limited amendment will not cause new disturbances in line with the issue of three presidential terms, as well as the issue of extending the presidential term until 2027, which arose as a result of the Government's desire to amend the 1945 Constitution.

"Amendments are legal and can be done, but this question certainly intrigues us all," he said again.

Hatta hopes that the PAN Expert Council and the ranks of the factions can work hard in continuing the reform agenda and rectifying the abuse of reform, so that PAN remains the hope of the people and is always known as the party that is at the forefront of fighting for the interests of the people.