Sri Mulyani Shares The Story Of Student Orientation At UI: Entering The Sewer To The Mortuary

JAKARTA – As one of the senior economists in this country, Sri Mulyani never forgets the services of the University of Indonesia (UI) as an educational institution where she gains knowledge. From there, she had the opportunity to learn widely about various things about economics.

In fact, until now she is still active in the campus environment as one of the competent teaching staff for students. As if she had made an impression on her heart, the former boss of the IMF and the World Bank shared her memories of her journey when she first became a member of the academic community.

“In August 1981, I first walked into the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia. As a local child who is naive and speaks with an accent, I don't know where to get off the Jakarta road map, I take the bemo and microbus. There were no cellphones and Google maps at that time, but there was always someone willing to help," she said via her personal Instagram page @smindrawati as quoted on Sunday, August 22.

According to the Minister of Finance, she remembered the first week of the Study Orientation and Campus Introduction (Ospek) in Salemba.

“It was shaken from 6 in the morning until late at night. All senior tasks, impossible to do. Every day there are punishments, squatting (squat jumps), drinking fishy livertran (but I like it), going into sewers, going to the morgue, etc.. etc. The suffering is so long that it seems endless. Volleyball competitions, art nights, wall magazines, finale bonfires bond friendships," she said.

Inevitably as a new student she received various motivations and doctrines during the early days of lectures.

"(We sing) songs to burn the spirit: Economy goes marching in... All I want to be that number... Economy goes marching in," she said.

"There is also an arrogant song: Just enter the economy... just enter the economy... four years as a scholar, the worst thing is to be a minister," she continued.

In another narrative, Sri Mulyani seemed grateful to be able to immediately get the best knowledge from a number of important figures in her time.

“Five years of studying at Salemba UI, learning from senior technocrats, such as Prof. Soemitro Djojohadikoesoemo, Prof. Emil Salim, Prof. Soemarlin, Prof. Sadli," she said.

Not to forget Sri Mulyani was also actively involved in various student agendas and activities at that time.

“(I) participated in the activities of the People's Industry Week (Kanira) Student Senate, two theater performances. Teaching kindergarten children around the Salemba campus, participating in the Faculty of Economics competition between campuses. Five years of college, playing, doing activities, learning to be an adult," she said.

As a country girl who migrated to the capital city, it would not be complete without tasting the hardships of living in Jakarta. This is also what is expressed in the upload.

"Living mediocre, many things can be a reason to complain, get discouraged, upset, angry, or give up," she added.

But predictably, the current Indonesian Minister of Finance is definitely not Sri Mulyani if the young Sri Mulyani sits idly by the situation.

“But I can always choose to be a positive human being, make friends without choosing, stick together, try to be better, and move forward. So people who are patient, grateful, sincere, and don't forget to pray. That's what my parents gave me when they let me go at Tawang station, Semarang to Jakarta, to start living 40 years ago, whether it was a long time or a short time, depending on the perspective of seeing life," she said.

At the end of the post, Sri Mulyani sang one of her favorite songs as an excerpt of the success she has now achieved.

"A million tomorrows shall all pass away, I forget all the joy that is mine, today," she concluded.