168 People Inhabiting The Buntok Detention Center In Central Kalimantan Are Positive For COVID-19

BUNTOK - A total of 168 residents of the Class IIB Buntok Detention Center, South Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan, were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

The Head of the UPTD of the Buntok Health Center, Dr. Zulfantri, confirmed this based on the results of the polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) swab examination conducted by his side a few days ago.

"Out of 250 people who have had a PCR swab done, there are around 168 people who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19", Zulfantri said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 18.

According to him, the swab was carried out by his party to 50 employees of the Buntok Rutan, and another 200 people were inmates.

Zulfantri explained that of the 50 employees who were swab tested, 14 of them were positive for COVID-19. Meanwhile, of the 200 inmates who were swab tested, 154 were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

He said, the swab was carried out because previously his party had received information that there were inmates at the Buntok Detention Center who were positive for COVID-19, so the team from the public health center immediately went down to do swab tests for employees and inmates and the test results were very surprising.

"Based on the results of monitoring, those who were positive only had mild symptoms and none had moderate or severe symptoms", Zulfantri explained.

He said his party would return to monitoring the Buntok Rutan to find out the symptoms of the patient who was confirmed positive for COVID-19.

In addition, Zulfantri also said that the swab is a Testing, Tracing, and Treatment (3T) activity that has been massively recommended by the Central Government to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.

"Because this 3T is an effort to prevent the spread of the virus widely and with this 3T, we are trying to break the chain of COVID-19 spread in this area", he said.