Remind Leaders Must Want Blusukan, Megawati: Not Arrogant, That's My Life Experience

JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri, reminded her cadres to be willing to visit and have direct contact with the people if they want to become leaders.

This, said Megawati, was also ordered by President Joko Widodo, who is also a PDIP cadre. In fact, Megawati admits that she often encourages the president to carry out Blusukan (unannounced inspections) and go directly to the field to see the condition of the people.

"I said to Mr. Jokowi, let's go to visit, sir. I used to be visiting", said Megawati at the commemoration of the 199th Anniversary of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia Mohammad Hatta which was held by the PDIP National Cultural Center (BKNP) virtually through the @bknppdiperjuangan account on YouTube, Thursday, August 12.

"Not bragging, no. It's (Blusukan, red) a life experience. That Indonesia is extraordinary", continued the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

According to Megawati, leading Indonesia cannot only be based on theory. But you have to understand the field and the conditions of the people in detail. Because Indonesia is a big country.

"The leader must be the leader of the people. It means meeting with the people. So that the people know your nose, you know", said Megawati.

Even if necessary, the people must be greeted no matter what the conditions are.

"I said with my fingers (to, ed) my children, you must shake hands. This is my hand, maybe I have shaken hands with lepers, maybe with old people, but that's the people's hands", said Megawati.

The daughter of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia and the first President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno alias Bung Karno admitted that she had no other interest in conveying the importance of Blusukan and shaking hands to the people. According to him, he only emphasized that Indonesian leaders must understand the lives of their people by the 1945 Constitution.

"What is the real-life of the people like? Let's follow our Constitution again. Many laws do not see the source of the legislation", said Megawati.

For information, the event was attended by Secretary-General, Hasto Kristiyanto, and Bung Hatta's daughter Meutia Farida Hatta. Also, at present, several PDIP Chairmen including Ahmad Basarah and Tri Rismaharini, as well as Central National Agency for Culture ranks led by their chairman Aria Bima.

Members of the Indonesia Parliament from the PDIP faction, Rano Karno and Paryono, were also present at the event, along with hundreds of party cadres from all over Indonesia.