GKM Green Tower Supports Business Adaptation During The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The current COVID-19 pandemic has lasted for 18 months. It is undeniable that the effects of this pandemic require workers in the work environment to adapt to various new habits, regulations, and provisions.

GKM Green Tower under the auspices of PT Lestari Kirana Persada as a subsidiary of PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk is here as a solution for companies looking for a place of business that is suitable for the conditions during the COVID-19 period.

"Various upgrades have been made to building facilities and several special floor units have been offered to support business activities during this COVID-19 period", said Lestari Kirana Persada President Director, Linda Tandjung, in a written statement, quoted Thursday 12 August.

Linda explained that the Green Suite, Garden Suite, and Sky Garden are full-floor units equipped with outdoor balconies and gardens that allow residents/users of these floors to have direct access to outdoor fresh air and maximum ventilation.

"Of course this is a plus for companies that expect a healthy and safe work environment for their employees and staff", he said.

In addition to good ventilation, these units can also enjoy a 180-degree panoramic view of the city skyline directly from their respective balconies and gardens.

"Activities such as light exercise and relaxing for a moment during breaks or after work hours are very possible to do in this outdoor area", he added.

Currently, the building management team and the COVID-19 task force are always synergizing to always provide the residents with updates and the latest information regarding the provisions of the prokes and business sector activities related to the suppression of the number of COVID-19 cases.

"This is very helpful and makes it easier for residents to determine their steps, employee work schedules, and business work plans. The existence of a clinic located on the Mezzanine floor makes it easier for residents to immediately do a swab test and health check if at any time they check their health, experience symptoms COVID-19 or are not feeling well", said Linda.