Vaccinated 1.500 Employees, Vice President Of Capital Planning Tatalogam Group Hopes The Wheel Of The Economy Keeps Turning

JAKARTA - Supporting the government's program to eradicate the pandemic through herd immunity, Tatalogam Group is undergoing COVID-19 vaccination for 1.500 of its employees. So far, 99 percent of Tatalogam Group's employees have been vaccinated.

The Vice President of Capital Planning for Tatalogam Group, Nicolas Bagus Setiabudi, explained that the last batch of mass vaccinations was carried out on June 26 with the coordination of the company's COVID-19 Task Force. Around 500 people consisting of head office employees and factory employees of Tatalogam Lestari, Tatametal Lestari, Sakura Makmur Lestari, and other subsidiaries, joined thousands of participants from various backgrounds in two different places to receive vaccinations.

“This activity is an effort by Tatalogam Group to participate in preventing transmission and the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. With these 500 people being vaccinated, plus hundreds of employees who have been previously vaccinated, it means that 99 percent of Tatalogam Group's employees, totaling around 1.500 people, have been vaccinated", Nico explained to VOI, Sunday, August 8.

The head of the Tatalogam Group COVID-19 Task Force explained that the Tatalogam Group has indeed paid great attention to this vaccination activity. Because according to him, the health of employees is an important capital to maintain the production process so that it can continue to run in times of crisis like now.

"We obey All the rules in operational permit and industrial activity mobility (IOMKI). Especially regarding the health of the employees of the Tatalogam Group. We provide vitamins and routine health checks. Including their psychology. Because in our opinion the health of employees is an important capital to maintain the production process. That way, the economic sustainability of the employees' families themselves will also be guaranteed. And in the end, we hope that the wheels of the national economy will also turn again”, Nico explained again.