Police Arrest 3 Counterfeiters Of PCR Test Results At Sentani Airport

JAYAPURA - Jayapura Police Chief Commissioner Fredrickus WA Maclarimboe said his party arrested three people suspected of being involved in falsifying the results of the COVID-19 PCR examination circulating at Sentani Airport.

"It's true, Tuesday (4/8) three people have been arrested, one of whom is a student from a university in the Abepura area. The three people arrested are SM (male/private), NK (female) and M (student/female)", said Commissioner Maclarimboe, quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 5.

The police chief said the three were arrested in separate locations around Abepura and are currently under intensive investigation by detectives.

"We don't know for sure the mode of operation they carried out and how much it would cost", said Commissioner Maclarimboe, admitting that the case was revealed after receiving reports about the circulation of fake PCR test results used by travelers at Sentani Airport.

From the report, members conducted an investigation and arrested the three people, said the Jayapura Police Chief.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Papua Dr. Donald Arronggear separately appreciated the arrest of the perpetrators of forgery of the COVID-19 PCR results.

"We hope that the network of counterfeiters of the COVID-19 PCR test results will be fully exposed, considering the actions taken by the perpetrators are very dangerous, especially if they are misused by travelers using fake documents", he said.