Trade Grows Positively, Head Of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Arsjad Rasjid Asks Factory And Malls To Open 100 Percent

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) has asked the government to open 100 percent of business sectors such as manufacturing to retail in order to save the national economy. Moreover, it is proven that in the second quarter, trade grew positively at 9.44 percent.

Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Arsjad Rasjid said that if the manufacturing business sector is not opened soon, Indonesia will lose the opportunity to get global demand.

"If we don't do it 100 percent, it will be very difficult. We are an essential export-oriented industry. There is global demand. We, Indonesia, must be able to take the main position in helping the world supply chain", he said at the 'Economic Dialogue on Economic Performance Quarter II-2021', virtually, Thursday, August 5.

Even so, Arsjad emphasized that the opening of the business sector must be accompanied by strict and disciplined health protocols. This is to avoid an increase in COVID-19 cases.

Not only manufacturing, said Arsjad, retail sectors such as shopping centers or malls must also be opened. Arsjad assesses that by opening a shopping center, it will increase the number of people's consumption which then has an effect on the national economy.

According to Arsjad, mall operations can be carried out by requiring workers to have vaccinated and mall visitors must show a vaccine card if they want to enter.

Furthermore, Arsjad admitted that he was worried about the social impacts that would arise if economic activities were to be held back. Therefore, he asked the government to consider opening up these business sectors.

"We have to accept that the COVID-19 pandemic will take a long time. I suggest the government keep businesses running as long as their employees are vaccinated because I am afraid of the social impacts", he explained.

Arsjad said that with the pandemic condition that had hit more than a year, all parties should have started to think that the implementation of new adaptations should really be carried out. According to him, the wheels of the economy will keep turning.

"So we should think, realize that this is our new norm, a new reality, a new world. So, we must be able to adapt to what exists", he said.