Sun Bear In Riau Entangled In Nylon Rope Released

PEKANBARU - A joint team from the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) and the Bukit Tigapuluh National Park Office rescued as well as evacuated and released wild sun bears entangled in nylon ropes on land cleared by the villagers.

"In Taki Village, Batang Gansal Sub-district, Indragiri Hulu, the animal named Latin Helarctos Malayanus was entangled in a nylon rope on its right forefoot and the team then evacuated and released it after undergoing an examination", said Public Relations of BBKSDA Riau, Dian Indriati, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 2nd.

The medical team from the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center, chaired by Drh. Danang has checked the condition of the bear, and the animal is in good condition although it was later discovered that the animal's left leg was stumped because of the previous snares.

He explained that the right front leg that was entangled only suffered abrasions on the skin surface, then two nails fell off because the animal was trying to open the cage, but the animal was still healthy and agile.