Entrepreneur Auctioned A House To Help Handling COVID-19 In West Kalimantan: I'm Sure Allah Will Replace It

JAKARTA - Entrepreneur Hendri Saputra auctioned a house and donated the proceeds to help deal with COVID-19 in West Kalimantan Province.

"I auctioned this one house to help the government in handling COVID-19 in West Kalimantan," said the entrepreneur who is usually called Alunk in a written statement received in Pontianak, reported by Antara, Sunday, August 1.

He said all the proceeds from the auction of the 36 premium type house on Ampera street, Pontianak will be donated to the government to support the COVID-19 response.

"The handling of the pandemic and its impacts cannot only be done by the government, we as citizens must also work hand in hand to help deal with this pandemic. I happen to be a property entrepreneur who has home products, so this house was donated," he said.

"This is how we give charity, I am sure Allah will replace it a thousand times," he added.

Alunk also invited other entrepreneurs to help the government overcome the transmission of COVID-19.

"I invite entrepreneurs to contribute whatever can be donated for the speedy handling of the pandemic in West Kalimantan. Just small entrepreneurs can do it, I'm sure big entrepreneurs in West Kalimantan can too," he said.