Malang City Government Plans To Open Isolated Houses In The District

MALANG - The Malang City Government plans to open isolation houses or safe houses in each sub-district in the Malang City area, to treat positive COVID-19 confirmed patients.

Head of the Malang City Health Office, Dr. Husnul Muarif, said that currently, the heads of public health centers in five sub-districts in Malang City are looking for the right location for the opening of the isolation house.

"There is a plan. Isolation is centralized in the sub-district area, currently, the regional head is looking for a location", Husnul said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 27.

In Malang, there are five sub-districts, namely Lowokwaru District, Klojen District, Sukun District, Blimbing District, and Kedungkandang District.

Besides planning to open isolation houses in each of these sub-districts, the Malang City Government is also preparing additional isolation facilities for positive COVID-19 confirmed patients in student flats owned by Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

The plan to open an isolation house in the Universitas Brawijaya flats is a form of cooperation between the Malang City Government and the university. The Flats is located in Kalisongo Village, Dau District, Malang Regency.

"It's still being strengthened in the cooperation agreement. It's still a process", he added.

Currently, Husnul continued, related to the occupancy rate or Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR) of the isolation room at the referral hospital for handling COVID-19 in Malang City, it was recorded that it had begun to decline. Meanwhile, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is still full.