Densus 88: Terrorism In Indonesia Metamorphosis From Political Discontent In The Past

JAKARTA - Head of Sub-Directorate for Investigations of the Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Police Dr. Imam Subandi said acts of terrorism in Indonesia are a metamorphosis of dissatisfaction with political power in the past.

"If we look at the history, the beginning was not purely religious but political power", said Imam Subandi in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday.

He said the current situation cannot be separated from history during the revolution in the 1945s and 1980s, the emergence of the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) which then metamorphosed.

From this dissatisfaction, it was then sacred and turned towards religious issues which eventually emerged

When the NII emerged, the government took decisive steps to crush the organization. It didn't stop there, Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) was born, which then metamorphosed into the Indonesian Mujahideen Council and so on.

If a common thread is drawn back, said Imam Subandi, then the acts of terrorism that occurred are still related to the past.

This, he continued, was also related to the loss of seven words in Pancasila and related to a fairly harsh crackdown on people who wanted Indonesia to be built based on Islamic law.

Therefore, according to him, the existence of acts of terrorism in the country occurred because of dissatisfaction with political power which started from NII, Darul Islam/Indonesian Islamic Army (DI/TII) to form a more concrete form, namely terrorism.

Terrorism can arise from other religions depending on the form of dissatisfaction in a country. For example, in England, which is dominated by non-Muslims, terrorists can emerge from religions outside of Islam.

"Or, for example, in India, Hinduism or Sikhism as a background for dissatisfaction can carry out acts of terrorism", he said.

Likewise in other countries where the majority are not Muslims, when they feel there is dissatisfaction or there is no justice, then violence can be an option for them.