Against The Sexualization Of Sports, Germany's Gymnastics Team Wear Leggings That Stretch To The Heels

JAKARTA - Germany's gymnastics team chose to wear the more closed uniforms as seen when they qualified at the Tokyo Olympics on Sunday as part of a campaign to encourage women to wear what they feel comfortable with.

The team, consisting of Sarah Voss, Pauline Schaefer-Betz, Elisabeth Seitz, and Kim Bui, wore a red and white unitard, which is a combination of leotard and leggings that extends to the heel.

They wore the same uniform during training on Thursday and said they could choose to wear it again when competing.

Voss said her team had discussed their shirt choices before Sunday's game and had chosen unitards.

"When you grow up as a woman, it's more or less difficult to get used to your new body," Voss said.

"We want to make sure everyone is comfortable and we show everyone that they can wear whatever they want and look amazing, feel great, whether it's a long leotard or a short one.

Voss said her team, which wore full-covered shirts at the European Championships in April in an effort to fight sexualization in the sport, wanted the clothing trend to continue.

"We want to be a role model, making everyone dare to follow us," said Voss.

Germany's decision to choose the unitard uniform won praise from other competitors in Tokyo.

"I think it's really cool that they have the courage to stand in such a huge arena and show women around the world that you can wear whatever you want," said Norwegian gymnast Julie Erichsen. "I applaud them."

In recent years the world of gymnastics has been plagued by cases of physical and sexual abuse, prompting the introduction of new safety protocols to protect athletes.

For women, the standard competition uniform is a leotard, with long, half-length, or sleeveless sleeves allowed.

Uniforms that cover the legs are permitted in international competitions but so far they have been worn specifically for religious reasons.