Of The 9 Economic Sectors That Are Allowed To Operate During The COVID-19, Only 3 Have A Small Risk

JAKARTA - The Central Government plans to reopen 9 economic sectors during the pre-COVID-19 period. The 9 economic sectors are mining, petroleum, industry, construction, plantation, agriculture and livestock, fisheries, logistics, and transportation.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Berly Martawardaya, said the government had conducted a study by making 3 criteria at risk of spreading COVID-19 to the economic sectors that were to be opened. The 3 criteria are being in a closed room, there is a crowd, and close interaction.

According to Berly, of the 9 sectors that will be opened, only plantations, agriculture and livestock, as well as fisheries, are considered to meet these criteria.

Meanwhile, other sectors do not meet the criteria. For example, mining and petroleum because their work patterns are in closed spaces.

"There are indoor categories, such as mining and petroleum, there are components in the room too," said Berly at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 9.

Then, the logistics and transportation sectors are also at risk. This is because this economic sector has two working patterns, namely indoors and outdoors. Hence, there needs to be strict application of health protocols for these two sectors of the economy.

"Maybe there should be additional health protocols," said Berly.

Furthermore, the most at risk is the industrial sector. This is because this sector has three risk criteria for the spread of COVID-19, namely being in a closed room, there are crowds and close interactions.

"Factories that have machines are usually very tightly designed. So for those in the industrial sector, they have to be more stringent (supervision). And factories have to apply the protocol, design the factory whether changes should be made or not. So don't confuse the nine. that, "said Berly.

What needs most attention is the tourism sector

But outside of the 9 economic sectors, according to Barly, the tourism sector has the highest potential in the spread of COVID-19. So, it takes extra attention from the central or local government to help generate it.

"The ones that are still high risk are tourism, hotels and restaurants. That is the focus of social assistance from the central and district / city provinces, so it should go there," said Berly.

When the tourism sector opens, it is not impossible that the number of positive cases of COVID-19 will increase and will be difficult to control. Even though a policy of reducing 50 percent of capacity has been issued, it is considered that it will not have a big impact.

"Because it is too dangerous if they (the tourism sector) are opened at this time, even with 50 percent capacity it is still too risky," said Berly.

Because of this, the tourism sector must be given assistance. This assistance can be through training or coaching so that business actors in this field move to other sectors. That way, they won't have too much economic hardship.

"Maybe trainings are needed to be able to move to other sectors, because it still takes a few more months. Don't let them experience difficulties economically or even starve," said Berly.