Bring Vaccine From China, Sinopharm, Kimia Farma Boss: Use Our Own Funds, Not From The State Budget

JAKARTA - Indonesia has returned to stock vaccines today. A total of 1.184 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine have just arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport. The vaccine was imported by PT Kimia Farma Tbk for the needs of the Mutual Cooperation vaccination program.

President Director of PT Kimia Farma Tbk, Verdi Budidarmo, said the arrival of this vaccine was a collaboration between Kimia Farma and Sinopharm. The total vaccine that has arrived in Indonesia is 5.5 million doses from the contract of 15 million doses.

Regarding funding, Verdi said that the purchase of the Sinopharm vaccine used Kimia Farma's independent funding as a member of the Pharmaceutical Holding SOE.

"The funding is independent of Kimia Farma as a member of the state-owned pharmaceutical holding company without using the APBN (state revenue and expenditure budget) for both the purchase of vaccines and the delivery and implementation of vaccinations", he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, July 19.

Verdi said that the contract between Kimia Farma and Sinopharm to bring in a COVID-19 vaccine was part of the target of securing and injecting 20 million doses through the Gotong Royong vaccination by 2021.

"Gotong Royong vaccination is an additional option or option to access vaccines for corporations. Both family and related employees. To support the achievement of the national vaccination target of 2 million doses per day and the achievement of herd immunity, as well as foreigners who work or live in Indonesia", he explained.

Verdi said the arrival of the Sinopharm vaccine and other vaccines in Indonesia is proof that the availability of vaccines in Indonesia is safe. Therefore, he appealed to the public not to hesitate to undergo vaccination.

"Because vaccines can reduce the risk of serious illness if we are exposed to COVID-19 which continues to mutate. In addition to vaccination, what should not be forgotten is the discipline in health protocols by implementing 5M", he said.

In addition, Verdi reminded the public to comply with the policies set by the government to help reduce the number of COVID-19 transmissions.