COVID-19 Update As Of July 9: 38.124 New Cases , Recovered Cases Increase Up To 28.975

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health released the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 as of today. A total of 219.915 specimens were examined today. As a result, there were 38.124 new positive cases of COVID-19.

"The total accumulation of positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia has reached 2.455.912 people and 367.733 active cases", said Ministry of Health data, Friday, July 9.

Today's recovered cases increased by 28.975 cases, bringing the total to 2.023.584 recovered people. Then, the positive confirmed cases who died increased by 871 people and a total of 64.631 people.

The province with the newest cases is DKI Jakarta with 13.112 cases and a total of 636.389 cases. Followed by West Java which has 7.399 new cases with a total of 440.377 cases. Central Java has 4.530 new cases and a total of 285.360 cases. Then, East Java has 2.530 new cases and a total of 189.705 cases.

The province with the most recovered cases today belongs to DKI Jakarta with an increase of 15.022 recovered cases. Followed by West Java with an increase of 4.950 recovered cases, Central Java with an additional 3.033 recovered cases, and East Java with an additional 1.727 recovered cases.

None of the provinces reported zero new cases as of today. In addition, the number of specimens that have been examined using RT-PCR, TCM, and antigens has reached 21.402.544.

"Positive results per number of specimens examined or this week's positivity rate of 39.25 percent", he wrote.

The number of people suspected of contracting COVID-19 or who are currently categorized as suspected cases was recorded at 118.701 people. Currently, 510 districts/cities from 34 provinces have COVID-19 cases.

Furthermore, currently, there are 35.775.567 people who have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination and 14.868.577 of the second dose of vaccination.