Even Though Many Hospitals Are Full, The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Is Asked To Prioritize The Treatment Of Health Workers Infected With COVID-19.

JAKARTA - A number of hospitals in Jakarta no longer have rooms for treating COVID-19 patients. As of July 4, the occupancy of the isolation rooms for COVID-19 patients in 140 referral hospitals reached 92 percent and ICUs reached 94 percent.

In the midst of a spike in cases and the depletion of bed capacity, Deputy Chairperson of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta Regional Representative Council (DPRD), Wicitra Anggara Sastroamidjojo, asked the DKI Provincial Government to prioritize treatment for health workers exposed to COVID-19.

"It's like war, the health workers are soldiers who fight on the front lines, so we have to protect and prioritize them", Anggara told reporters, Friday, July 9.

The surge in COVID-19 cases also has an impact on the large number of health workers exposed to the coronavirus while treating patients.

The Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) noted that the number of health workers exposed to the COVID-19 virus reached 324 people in the period May 15-June 19, 2021. Of these numbers, 23 people died.

In total, 6.056 health workers were exposed to the coronavirus and 314 health workers of whom died while on duty.

"The number of health workers who are exposed cannot be separated from the condition of health facilities that are already overwhelmed by the surge of COVID-19 patients who continue to arrive non-stop", said Anggara.

Not to mention, the workload continues to increase so that many health workers are exhausted and face high levels of stress. It is feared that this could disrupt the service of COVID-19 patients. Therefore, Anggara asked health workers to be given priority in obtaining health services, including the availability of rooms and ICU rooms.

"It's not enough just to say thank you or sorry, we have to give the best for the health workers who have fought for us", he said.