The Government Tightens Road And Rail Travel Rules Starting Next Week, Check Out The Details!

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Transportation has decided to tighten the mobility of people who travel by land or by train. This is intended to improve the application of health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

A spokesman for the Minister of Transportation Adita Irawati said this policy also covers land travel in agglomeration areas or urban areas and surrounding areas.

Meanwhile, these strategic steps are contained in two regulations that were officially released today, namely Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of Transportation Number 49 of 2021 concerning the land transportation sector, and SE of the Minister of Transportation Number 50 of 2021 which regulates the railway sector.

"This policy will take effect from July 12 to July 20 and can be extended according to developments in the field", she said in a virtual press conference, Friday, July 9.

In detail, the regulation mandates two things. First, routine commuter train trips and within agglomeration areas or areas only apply to travel for essential sector offices and critical sectors in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations.

Two, routine commuter train trips and within the agglomeration area or area must be accompanied by required documents in the form of a Worker Registration Certificate or other Certificate issued by the local Regional Government.

Or the public is required to have a letter of assignment signed by the head of the company or an official at least echelon 2 (for the government) and a wet stamp or electronic signature.

It was also ordered that the Minister, Governor, Regent/Mayor, central and regional coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Handling Task Forces, technical implementing units within the Directorate General of Land Transportation, and land transportation infrastructure organizers/operators must coordinate, socialize, and supervision of the implementation of this Circular Letter.

"This rule applies in urban areas throughout Indonesia, especially for the Greater Jakarta area", Adita concluded.