3 Days Movement At Home, Purbalingga Regent Asks Residents To Reduce Mobility

PURBALINGGA - Purbalingga Regent, Dyah Hayuning Pratiwi, asked residents to play an active role in the success of the "Three Days at Home" movement on July 9-11. This movement aims to reduce mobility and suppress the spread of COVID-19.

"Community participation in the success of this movement is really very useful in saving Purbalingga and protecting the community", said the Regent, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 8.

The Regent added that the Three Days at Home movement is a form of the district government's efforts to suppress and reduce COVID-19 cases which have increased in recent days.

"In the last few days there have been additional active cases of more than 100 per day, the high rate of bed occupancy in hospitals is a warning to all parties", said Dyah.

Therefore, she said, the Three Days at Home movement is expected to be able to suppress and reduce COVID-19 cases.

"It takes an active role and awareness with all the people. With the cooperation of all parties, it is hoped that this struggle will not be in vain", continued Regent Dyah.

The Regent also said that his party had prepared technical rules regarding the implementation of the Three Days at Home Movement.

"We will immediately disseminate the technical rules massively to the entire community", she said.

This movement was inspired by the Central Java movement at Home Only on February 6-7 which was considered successful in reducing the mobility of residents and the number of COVID-19 cases in Purbalingga at that time.

"Learning from the effectiveness of the Central Java movement at Home Only on February 6-7, Purbalingga will implement the Three Days at Home Movement", she said.

The Regent hopes that the movement will be effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the local area.

"Moreover, based on the evaluation of the Central Government, the violation of health protocols in Purbalingga is still quite high so this movement is expected to be effective", she said.