Emergency Community Activity Restrictions Has Not Significantly Suppressed The Mobility Of Yogyakarta Residents

YOGYAKARTA - Coordinator for Law Enforcement of the Special Region of Yogyakarta COVID-19 Task Force, Noviar Rahmad, assessed that the emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) had not significantly suppressed the mobility of Yogyakarta residents.

"It turns out that the mobility of the people in Yogyakarta has only decreased by 13 to 15 percent", said Noviar Rahmad in Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 7.

According to him, the percentage of citizen mobility refers to data monitored by the central government through "google traffic". In fact, to be able to suppress the positive confirmation number, according to President Joko Widodo's instructions, community mobility must be reduced to 50 percent during the emergency PPKM.

"The community's compliance with the emergency PPKM rules is still quite low", said Noviara.

Therefore, so that the mobility of citizens can be suppressed, according to him, the DI Yogyakarta Civil service police (Satpol PP) in coordination with the DI Yogyakarta Transportation Service and the DI Yogyakarta Regional Police will jointly increase the tightening.

According to him, the level of vehicle blocking that has been taking place at a number of points in DI Yogyakarta, according to him, will be further increased. There will be additional road sections that will be blocked.

"Later, there will be even tighter partitions. We will first coordinate with the DI Yogyakarta Regional Police and the DI Yogyakarta Regional Traffic Directorate (Polda Ditlantas) for that", said Noviar.

In addition to community mobility, which is still relatively high, there are still many violations of emergency PPKM provisions, especially by non-essential business actors.

Referring to control data since the beginning of the emergency PPKM, the DI Yogyakarta Civil Service Police (Satpol PP) has forcibly closed 39 non-essential business places that remain open, closed 213 restaurants that still serve dine-in, and sealed 9 businesses that ignored warnings.

"The total number of violations that we have taken is almost 600 violations. This is quite high compared to before the emergency PPKM period", he said.

According to Noviar, not a few non-essential and non-critical business actors are trying to trick the officers. From the outside, it looks closed, but the inside is still selling as usual.

He hopes that the public will increase awareness and be patient for a while during the emergency PPKM period, which aims to jointly suppress the rate of transmission of COVID-19.

The DI Yogyakarta local government, he said, is currently also preparing assistance for residents whose jobs are affected by the emergency PPKM. "If everyone can be disciplined, the next 20 days the positive number will decrease, but if you play tricks, it will be difficult", he said.