The Minister Of Trade Ensures That Basic Materials Are Available At Stable Prices During Emergency PPKM

JAKARTA - Minister of Trade, Muhammad Lutfi, ensures that necessities are available at stable prices during the Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM). The Trade Minister claims stable prices for rice, cooking oil, eggs, meat, and red onions, and red chilies.

"I make sure that all of the necessities that I mentioned have enough for more than two weeks today at least, but others are more than one month. All of these items are available, stable, affordable, and hopefully in this Emergency PPKM, none problems", said the Trade Minister during a virtual press conference quoted by Antara, Monday, July 5.

The Minister of Trade explained that the price of medium rice on July 2, 2021, was at IDR 10,500 per kilogram (kg), where this figure was the same as the price one month earlier, namely June 2, 2021, which was IDR 10,500 per kg.

Likewise, premium rice, which currently costs IDR 12,400 per kg, is relatively stable compared to the previous month, which was IDR 12,400 per kg. Then, the price of granulated sugar is also stable where on June 2, 2021, June 25, 2021, and July 2, 2021, it is at IDR 13,000 per kg.

"So is cooking oil. So, if we look at the simple packaging, last June 2, the price was IDR 13,900 per liter, today it is IDR 14,100 per liter. There was a slight increase, this is due to the high price of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in the previous month", said the Trade Minister.

In addition, today's meat price is IDR 126,000 per kg, relatively consistent compared to last month's price of IDR 126,100 per kg, and last week the price was IDR 125,700 per kg.

"So, there is an increase, but in a comma behind", said the Minister of Trade.

Furthermore, the price of chicken meat today is IDR 35,700 per kg compared to last month's price of IDR 36,000 per kg.

"Race chicken eggs are also the same, IDR25,800 per kg today, IDR26,300 per kg last month. Shallots are also stable at IDR31,300 per kg compared to last month's IDR 31,600 per kg", said the Trade Minister.

The price of soybeans is also stable at IDR 12,500 at this time, compared to last month's price of IDR 12,300. The Trade Minister added that there is no problem with the price of wheat flour.

However, there is a dynamic in the price of curly red chili, where the price on July 2, 2021, is IDR 33,700 per kg, an increase compared to the previous month which was IDR 32,200 per kg.

"Chili has a little dynamics, but we know that Banyuwangi will enter the harvest period, and prices will be covered again", concluded the Trade Minister.