Satire Hits NasDem Politicians For Novels And Etc: They Shouldn't Feel The Most Deserving Of The KPK

JAKARTA - Nasional Demokrat (NasDem) politician, Irma Suryani Chaniago, asked Novel Baswedan and 74 other KPK employees who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK) not to feel that they belonged to the anti-corruption agency the most.

"They should not feel the most appropriate to be able to stay at the KPK. They are not identical with the KPK and vice versa. Do not feel that they have this institution, because this institution is funded by the state and the state has rules", said Irma in a statement in Jakarta, Friday.

She mentioned when the KPK employees who did not pass the TWK were recruited to the anti-corruption agency first. At that time, the KPK employee recruitment process was not as transparent as it is now.

"When the KPK recruited them, was there fairness? Was there openness to the public? Even though they were paid using APBN funds (State Budget)", he said.

Irma conveyed the TWK regulations according to the legislation. The regulation has gone through a series of discussions, discussions, and consultations across ministries and state institutions.

"Which guarantees the implementation of the procurement of civil servants through an objective assessment based on the competence and qualifications of other requirements needed for each position", said Irma.


In addition, said Irma, Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 concerning Management of Civil Servants does not eliminate the three predetermined selection stages, namely administrative selection, basic competency selection, and field competency selection.

"This means that the decision on the national insight test does not conflict with the law and can even become a bulwark of national unity and integrity under the Red and White Flag, Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)", she said.

Previously, the Supreme Court decided that TWK for civil servant candidates was legal and constitutional, including the matter of passing and failing grade standards.

The decision is related to an application asking the Supreme Court to declare that Permenpan RB Number 61 of 2018 is contrary to the provisions of Article 26 of Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 concerning Management of Civil Servants. However, the Supreme Court rejected the applicant.

The judicial review panel even sentenced the applicants to pay a court fee of IDR 1 million.

"That Regulation of Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Number 61 of 2018 (the object of the right to judicial review) is the policy of the respondent (Menpan RB) after together with the relevant ministries/institutions conducting discussions, and consultations to obtain the best scheme or mechanism", said the assembly.

This guarantees the implementation of the procurement of civil servants through an objective assessment based on the competence and qualifications of other requirements required by each position.

According to the assembly, regulation Number 61 of 2018 (object of judicial rights) is a complement to other implementing regulations in the 2018 Selection of Candidates for Civil Servants, especially related to optimizing the fulfillment of Civil Servants' needs/formations in 2018.