Sentenced To 4 Years, Rizieq Shihab Protests Forensic Expert Witness's Statement, Ready To File An Appeal

JAKARTA - The defendant Rizieq Shihab stated that he rejected the decision of the panel of judges which imposed a prison sentence of four years for the case of the results of the swab test at the UMMI Hospital.

The refusal was based on several reasons. One of them is the testimony of a forensic expert witness from the team of public prosecutors (JPU) who at the previous trial had denied his presence by Rizieq.

"There are several things that I can't accept. Among them are the prosecutors who present forensic experts even though in this court the forensic expert witnesses were never present. Second, I object to the panel of judges no longer using authentic results in the application of Article 14 paragraph (1) of the Law. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 1946,"

"I hereby reject the decision of the panel of judges and I declare an appeal," said Rizieq during the trial, Thursday, June 24.

Similarly, Rizieq's team of lawyers, represented by Sugito Atmo Prawiro, also stated that they rejected the judge's decision. They did not accept that their client was sentenced to imprisonment.

"Our legal advisors will also appeal the decision," said Sugito.

For information, Rizieq Shihab was sentenced to four years in prison for the UMMI hospital swab case. Rizieq Shihab was found guilty of spreading false news.

"The trial, sentenced the defendant Rizireq Shihab to 4 years in prison," said Chief Judge Khadwanto during a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Thursday, June 24.

Thus, the panel of judges assessed that Rizieq was proven to have violated Article 14 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Law Regulations Jo Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.