KPMH Executive Director Muannas Alaidid Asks Judge To Sentence Rizieq Shihab Maximum Sentence

JAKARTA - The Executive Director of the Legal Mafia Eradication Committee (KPMH), Muannas Alaidid, asked the East Jakarta District Court to decide on a fair verdict on the swab test case at the UMMI Hospital with the defendant Rizieq Shihab.

Although it is undeniable that there will be a lot of pressure from the mass supporters of Rizieq Shihab called KPMH that could influence the decision.

"We hope that the panel of judges can be independent in passing their verdicts and not be influenced by mass pressure, we don't want a trial by the mob", Muannas said in his statement, Wednesday, June 23.

Muanas continued this request, referring to the results of the trial of the other Rizieq cases. In the case of the crowds in Petamburan and Megamendung, the verdict given was far from the demands of the Public Prosecutor.

"Before this, it was proven by trial by the mob, a low sentence of 8 months and only a fine of IDR 20 million, this should not happen again", said Muannas.

In addition, if referring to the indictment from the prosecutor, in this case, the panel of judges is advised to impose the maximum sentence. Because, during the trial process, Rizieq was deemed proven to have spread false news.

"For this case, the Panel of Judges must impose a maximum sentence, because the evidence in the Court has clearly shown Rizieq Shihab's violation of Article 14 paragraph (1) of Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Law Regulations in the case of spreading false news with a threat of 10 years in prison and prosecution Prosecutors for 6 years", said Muannas.

In fact, Muannas also revealed several pieces of evidence that could be considered by the Panel of Judges to pass the maximum verdict.

"During the trial, Rizieq Shihab was not cooperative and even seemed to insult the court (contempt of court), as a religious figure he did not even set a good example, had been to prison twice and there were allegations of mass mobilization of his supporters to court so that Detachment 88 was arrested for terrorism",  said Muannas.

For these reasons, Muanas hopes that the panel of judges will not again pass a lower verdict than Pinangki.

"The court is being highlighted by the public because of the low verdict against Pinangki, don't let it happen again in the Rizieq Shihab case", concluded Muannas.