Look Sexy With Lingerie, DJ Katty Buterfly Cleavage Makes Netizens Unfollow Her Instagram

JAKARTA - DJ Katty Butterfly had a closed appearance with a hijab after deciding to convert to Islam. The appearance of this woman from Thailand received a lot of praise from netizens. Unfortunately, after breaking up with Aiman Ricky, DJ Katty Butterfly changed.

Now, Katty dares to appear open again as before. In several uploads, DJ Katty Butterfly has worn black and purple lingerie. Not only at home, the DJ, who is usually called Dut, also wears the woman's underwear to pose outside the house. Seen floral lingerie that shows her cleavage.

It turned out that DJ Katty Butterfly's upload became gossip for netizens. Many were disappointed by DJ Katty's open appearance. In fact, some immediately unfollow her Instagram.

"Just unfollow, sorry", wrote the account @any**.**

"Well, Katty, why is it like this, ok unfollow", said the account @trust_jual_****

"Unfollow again, I'm lazy to see what's vulgar, she's a bitch", replied the account @liya_pangar****

Although many said they wanted to unfollow, DJ Katty also received a lot of support from other netizens. They said the mother of one child was in the process of studying religion and understood the change.

"She is in the process of becoming a good Muslim, so she is also in the process of dressing well, even if she is still open, at least it's not like her early career here, which only wears a bra, I think the way Katty dresses has changed for the better", write @rahm*****.