Jakarta Metro Police Opens Opportunities For Blocking 10 Areas Starting At 20.00 WIB, But...

JAKARTA - Jakarta Metro Police will examine the possibility of accelerating the implementation of the 10 point blockage in Jakarta to 20.00 WIB. In the previous blocking scheme, it was scheduled to start at 21.00 to 04.00 WIB.

"We will examine it later, there is a possibility. We will see the progress later", said Traffic Director of Jakarta Metro Police, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, to reporters, Tuesday, June 22.

The acceleration of the blocking time is also in line with the policy for the Implementation of Restrictions on Micro-Community Activities (PPKM) scale. However, its implementation must be discussed in depth.

Later, continued Sambodo, his party will cooperate with related parties to discuss the matter. However, the current blocking scheme is still in effect since 21.00 WIB.

"Later first, coordinate with the relevant stakeholders, yes. While it is still (blocking at 21.00)", he said.

Previously, Jakarta Metro Police issued a policy regarding restrictions on vehicle mobility in 10 areas. In this policy, vehicles are only allowed to pass at certain hours.

"We have taken a policy together, starting tonight, we will limit the mobility of road users", said the Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metro Police, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, May 21.

Yursi said any vehicle may only pass before 21.00 WIB to 04.00 WIB. In addition, the reason for implementing the policy is only in certain areas due to the high potential for the spread of COVID-19.

For example, the Bulungan area, South Jakarta. There are many goulash traders so there is a potential for crowds.

"Why at 21.00 WIB? Because there is a rule at 21.00 WIB at night, the activity must be completed, the restaurant must be closed, even though we still carried out the Yustisi Operation there", said Yusri. "This is a restriction, don't use a lock down, it doesn't exist", continued Yusri.