Simple Morning Habits That Can Make Your Face Look Younger

JAKARTA - Every woman wants healthy, bright, and of course youthful skin. To get this, some women are willing to spend a lot of money to do various facial treatments or just buy various skincare products.

However, not only by doing various facial treatments and using skincare. You can do some simple habits this morning that can actually make facial skin look younger. Launching the page, Monday, June 21, here are three habits.


Besides being able to maintain a healthier immune system, sports activities are also very good for facial skin health.

Doing regular exercise can help keep your skin glowing by increasing circulation. This makes it easier for the body to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the skin.

Use sunscreen

Beauty, the use of sunscreen every day is an important thing that you have to do. Because sunscreen can protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Even though Beauty is only in the house, you must still use sunscreen. Because, ultraviolet rays (which cause premature aging and skin damage) can penetrate the room, even when the weather is cloudy though.


Doing breakfast in the morning breakfast can have an impact on facial skin health. However, Beauty must choose a breakfast menu that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. For example, consuming complex carbohydrates along with sources of fiber and lean protein.