Mayor Bobby Implements PPKM, Netizens Complain: We Must Support, But Burdened

JAKARTA - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution went directly to the field to carry out patrols, in the context of implementing Micro-scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in crowded places in Medan City.

This was done by President Joko Widodo's son-in-law because COVID-19 cases in Medan have recently shown an increase. So to suppress the COVID-19 case, he directly monitored the implementation of the Micro PKKM.

"The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the past week was 414 people, an increase of about 69 people per day. While the cure rate in the last week was 257, an average of 42 patients recovered in one day", Bobby said in his Instagram account @Bobbynst quoted Sunday, June 20.

Bobby Nasutian, who is also Kahiyang Ayu's husband, took to the field with a number of parties. These included the Medan City Government together with the Kodim 0201/BS apparatus, and the Medan Polrestabes.

"This patrol is carried out as an effort to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19 in Medan City", said Bobby.

Bobby invites all citizens to obey. "Let's obey the health protocols together so that the number of COVID-19 in the city of Medan continues to decline", he said.

This post was responded to by a number of netizens. One of them complained about the micro PPKM policy. This is because this policy burdens him as an MSME who is active at night.

"We certainly have to fully support the Government's policy in Breaking the COVID-19 Chain. However, sir, we are a little bit complaining, we are really very, very burdened with the policy of Restricting Operational Hours, especially at the Night Snack Center which is until 9 pm WIB, even though we are only active selling at night. The day that even visitors usually come at 8 pm means that we are only active selling for only 1 hour.... Of course this policy is very burdensome for us, especially the workers, it's like we are working today to eat....", said @nikko.lie

Thus, he also asked Mayor Bobby for a solution regarding this matter. "We beg you, also pay attention to the fate of the night traders who depend on living there, we also need to eat and survive, 🙏🙏 hopefully, it can be considered And I am ready to prove if you need testimony in the field what actually happened due to the policy of limiting operating hours 🙏", he said.

There are also those who support Bobby's policy. "Keep going, sir, it's nice to see that your movement is more concerned with the people of the city of Medan...", said @irsan_armadi.

"Hopefully you and your family are always healthy, Aamiin Rabbal'aamiin", said @dtq_arraudhah