A Boarding House In East Jakarta Was Raided, Suspected Of Being A Place Of Prostitution, Several Condoms Were Confiscated

JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit, raided a boarding house in Rawamangun Village, Pulogadung for allegedly being a place for prostitution, Wednesday, June 16 night.

East Jakarta Head of Civil Service Police Unit, Budhy Novian, said the raid on the boarding house was carried out after his party received reports from the public regarding the practice of prostitution in that location.

"When we carried out the raid, no one was caught red-handed having sex. However, we found several condoms in the rooms", said Budhy Novian when confirmed in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, June 18.

Budhy Novian added that his party found unused condoms from the room shelves of a number of the occupants of the boarding house who were women aged around 20-30 years.

"In addition to finding condoms, the boarding house is indicated as a place for online prostitution because some rooms are rented out daily. There are more than five boarding houses there. How long it has been operating is still under investigation", said Budhy Novian.

However, the occupants of the boarding house denied that the condom belonged to them and argued that they did not know about it.

From the raids, said Budhy, as many as 10 female residents were also recorded along with the owner of the boarding house.

The East Jakarta Satpol PP also temporarily sealed the boarding house. Meanwhile, shortly, the owner of the boarding house will also be examined.

"We have immediately sealed it, now it is still in the process of being investigated. We have checked the manager and indeed can show a permit, but because there are indications of online prostitution, the boarding house remains sealed", said Budhy Novian.