Good News From Indomie, The Conglomerate Anthony Salim's Instant Noodles Become The Most Popular Product In Indonesia Beating So Klin And Mie Sedaap

JAKARTA - Who doesn't know Indomie? It is certain that all levels of society in the country are very familiar with the instant noodles made by PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk (ICBP). Oftentimes, various studies say that Indomie is the most popular product in the country.

Most recently, in the 2021 Indonesian Brand Footprint and 2021 Global Brand Footprint released by Kantar this week, it was stated that Indomie was again asked to be the most popular product brand in Indonesia. Indomie is also lined up as the world's number 7 most popular brand.

Kantar is a consulting firm and data provider based in the UK. Kantar stated a study of the most popular brands in Indonesia covers 97 percent of total households in big cities, small towns, and other areas. The study coverage represents 68 million households in Indonesia.

General Manager of Kantar Indonesia, Worldpanel Division Venu Madhav said, "2020 is a challenging year for the industry to survive and grow amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Indomie, an instant noodle product from the Indofood Group, is assessed by Kantar as one of the products that is able to survive and overcome the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic".

"And in general, the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry is able to overcome various challenges by implementing strategies that focus on dynamic and growing consumer needs", said Venu, in a written statement, quoted on Friday, June 18.

Meanwhile, the Commercial Director of Kantar Indonesia, Worldpanel Division, Adisti Bramanti, explained that the level of brand popularity is ranked by Consumer Reach Point (CRP). CRP is a matrix that calculates the number of households that bought a certain brand (penetration) with the number of times the brand was purchased (consumer choice).

"To increase CRP in fluctuating conditions during the pandemic, of course, an adaptive strategy is needed for consumers; both in terms of product benefit preferences, product availability in shopping areas, price suitability, and packaging size", Adisti said.

From the results of the CRP, Indomie is listed as the most popular brand in Indonesia. Indomie made by ICBP has a CRP of 2.19 billion. In the second position is the detergent brand So Klin with CRP 1.87 billion, while the third position is held by the Mie Sedaap brand with a CRP of 1.79 billion. So Klin and Mie Sedaap are products made by the Wings Group from Surabaya, East Java.