Collaborating With The Conglomerate Tomy Winata, Agnez Mo Gives Basic Needs To Vaccination Participants At Her Clinic

JAKARTA - Not only will they get a free COVID-19 vaccine, at the vaccination clinic established by Agnez Mo, but participants will also get food and basic necessities to take home. This facility was obtained thanks to Agnez's duet with Artha Graha Peduli, a non-profit organization as a form of CSR from Tomy Winata's Artha Graha Network company.

Through Instagram, Agnez invites her fans to tour the clinic she built with her godfather. Agnez did not mention who her godfather was standing beside her, but if we looked closely, his figure resembled Tommy Winata.

The clinic was built in an open field, supported by approximately 60 health workers and 120 volunteers from non-health workers.

"This program has been running for quite a while but I just realized that I haven't had time to upload it on my (Instagram) feed. Get your vaccine right away (for free). It's very easy to find us", wrote Agnez Mo quoted from Instagram @Agnezmo, Thursday, June 17th.

In the video she uploaded, the Agnez Mo vaccine clinic in the Ancol area is divided into several parts. From the registration section, waiting room, screening, COVID-19 vaccine injection room, to other rooms.

"Not only a place to inject the vaccine, but also ready with an ambulance, emergency room, lab, and others...", wrote Agnez Mo.

Agnez Mo also distributed free food to vaccine recipients. In fact, she also provided basic necessities in the form of eggs and instant noodles. "Instant noodles and eggs are AGP's initiative to support collaboration between the private sector and the government in the success of the vaccination program.

It's only available at Field Hospital (Rumkitlap) Ancol & Mall Artha Gading", she wrote.

"We are aware that many people who come for vaccines come from the red zone. They come to Rumkitlap (field hospital), line up from the morning, maybe they don't have time to have breakfast or sell for their breakfast", wrote Agnez Mo.