BCL Uploads Activities During Self-Isolation, Netizens: Very Fabulous!

JAKARTA - Bunga Citra Lestari aka BCL is currently undergoing self-isolation due to being positive for COVID-19. Together with her best friend, Dena Rachman, BCL is quite active in sharing their activities at home during self-isolation.

"Isolation Day 3... So far, there are symptoms of cough, sore throat, breath feels a bit short, and sometimes fever... But keep the spirit. Did meditation in the morning... And sunbathing is essential ..", wrote on her Instagram which already verified @bclsinclai quoted Thursday, June 17th.

In the photo, BCL is on the veranda of the upper room sitting with Dena Rachman. Wearing sunglasses and loose hair, her appearance has received a lot of praise from netizens.

"Her Isoman is really fabulous?! It's like a Vogue photo shoot! Hahahaha love that you guys have joy in the midst of all this!", Daniel Mananta wrote in the comments column.

The comment immediately received thousands of love signs from netizens. The same thing was also expressed by Ringgo Agus Rachman in the comments column.

"Get well soon Unge... you created an amazing standard look for those who got covid... crazy cute... I was just shabby, oh my gosh", he wrote.

In addition to the Instagram feed, BCL also uploads its activities through Instagram stories. Apparently, Unge started to lose her sense of smell and taste on Thursday, June 17th. She uploaded a video while tasting waffles.

"It only tastes like sugar. If you don't use maple, you don't have any taste", said BCL.

Next, BCL uploaded a photo of herself again sunbathing by uploading motivational words. "Sometimes we need to smile to go through a process that is not easy. Not downplaying but just looking at it from a different point of view", she wrote. Get well soon, Unge!