Russia Builds 'Zeus' Spacecraft For Missions To Search For Life On Other Planets

JAKARTA – The Russian space agency, Roscosmos, is building a new spacecraft called Zeus. This spacecraft is equipped with a nuclear reactor to explore the farthest planets in the Solar System and beyond

According to the Director-General of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, Zeus will be used for missions to search for alien life in outer space. Zeus has been designed since 2010 and is predicted to make its maiden flight in 2030.

"The missions to be sent to Mars, Venus and, in the future after the development of thermonuclear capabilities, beyond the solar system, the most important mission is to find and find out whether we are alone in space or there is another life", Rogozin said in an official statement at the GLEX-2021 spacecraft conference.

He also added that the search for life in outer space as well as monitoring possible threats from outer space that attack the Earth are the most important tasks of world cosmonautics today.

"Today, we have confirmed the development of a space monitoring program, and this is of practical significance for how to avoid dangerous collisions in space", added Rogozin.

In addition, the head of Roscosmos emphasized the importance of protecting planet Earth from attacks by space objects that could potentially endanger human survival.

"But there is another, more important task (namely) how to protect our planet from a sudden collision with a space object that could destroy civilization".

In this regard, Rogozin emphasized the importance of international cooperation for the defense of Earth from threats that come from outer space. He called the cooperation "the highest form of politics and ethics" in establishing relations between countries.

For information, the GLEX is an annual conference as a gathering place for a number of parties such as researchers, government, and industry. The GLEX has been held since 2012. This time, the GLEX 2021 will be held in St. Petersburg from June 14-18.