Preventing Delta COVID-19 Variant, Khofifah Speeds Up Tracing And Mass Isolation In Madura

SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa stated that she continues to try to prevent the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19 from India, in Madura. One of them is tracing and mass isolation.

"This is to ensure that the mutation case (Delta variant, India) does not spread to other areas", said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Wednesday, June 16.

To make it more active, continued Khofifah, the East Java Regional leadership coordination forum (Forkopimda) and the Bangkalan Regency Tracer Team carried out mass tracing in red zone areas in Bangkalan. The hope is that with this fast tracing and isolation, we can break the chain of spread of COVID-19 in Bangkalan more quickly.

"As well as finding positive cases that are suspected to include a mutated strain from India in Madura", she said.

Regarding COVID-19 education for Bangkalan residents, the East Java Forkopimda also cooperates with religious leaders and community leaders who can increase the confidence of Bangkalan residents. They were engaged to convey a message of vigilance, and to invite residents to comply with health protocols and vaccination programs.

"God willing, we can get through this pandemic, if we support each other and remind each other, with the 5M efforts, limiting mobility, and accelerating vaccination", she said.

Based on data released by the central COVID-19 Task Force, currently Bangkalan Regency, Madura, is the only area that is included in the red zone in East Java. In addition, there are 33 areas in East Java that are included in the COVID-19 orange zone, and the remaining four areas have the status of a yellow zone. The four regions in question are Lumajang, Probolinggo, Sumenep, and Pamekasan Regencies.