DKI Jakarta COVID-19 Task Force Optimistic To Achieve Herd Immunity In August

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, is optimistic that DKI Jakarta will be able to achieve communal immunity or herd immunity in August.

This can be seen from the achievement of the DKI Jakarta COVID-19 vaccination which has reached 2.8 million people at the first dose and 1.8 million people at the second dose.

"Seeing the current development, the government is optimistic that it will achieve the target that has been set, for example, until now the DKI Jakarta province has reached 61.93 percent for the second dose. Herd immunity can be achieved if at least 70 percent of the vaccination target has been vaccinated", said Wiku at the virtual press conference, Tuesday, June 15.

Wiku asked the public to be able to monitor vaccination coverage so that all regions can achieve the same herd immunity as the capital city. This can be seen on the channel.

"Regarding vaccination coverage per subpopulation and region, the media and the general public can continue to monitor developments in real-time through channels that have been prepared by the government", he explained.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked for massive COVID-19 vaccinations for people in DKI Jakarta.

In fact, he gave an ambitious target and needed hard work to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan regarding the administration of this vaccine.

"I have conveyed to the Governor of DKI Jakarta that by the end of August, the target of 7.5 million residents in Jakarta must have been vaccinated. This is indeed an ambitious target", said Jokowi.

This ambitious target was inevitably launched in order to achieve community immunity or herd immunity amid the spread of COVID-19.

"Like it or not, we have to go there", said the former governor of DKI Jakarta