Police Arrest Thugs In Kupang Who Resisted Being Reprimanded While Drunk
KUPANG - Police arrested a thug with the initials EFP (42) who fought against the police when he was warned not to drink alcohol at the Oebobo Terminal, Kupang City.
"Personnel managed to secure a thug who fought back against officers when he was reprimanded for consuming liquor at the Oebobo Terminal, Kupang City", said Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, Kombes Rishian Krisna B, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 14.
Kombes Krisna said that a thug was arrested when police officers conducted a raid to eradicate thuggery and extortion in the NTT Regional Police area, especially in Kupang City.
The NTT Police, he continued, were determined to eradicate various acts of thuggery and extortion which had been considered very disturbing to the public, especially in several terminals, both sea and bus terminals.
Commissioner Krishna. said that the detained thugs are now being held at the NTT Police Headquarters, to be trained so that the thugs are aware and do not commit their actions again
"Currently, he is being detained at the regional police headquarters to be given guidance", he said.
He explained that since the National Police Chief via Telegram Letter Number STR/138/VI/RES1.24/2021, dated June 7, 2021, regarding the eradication of street crime, the NTT Police Chief immediately ordered all his personnel to eradicate various acts of thuggery and extortion in NTT.
Last weekend, the NTT Police team conducted investigations and patrols at the Pelindo III Kupang Container Port and shipping vessels at Tenau Port, ASDP Bolok Port, and Oebobo Bus Terminal, Kupang City.
When carrying out the activity led by PS Head of Unit 2 subdirectorate III Jatanras Ditreskrimum NTT Police AKP Lorensius, the joint personnel of the NTT Police also appealed to the public, drivers, ship and bus passengers, and traders to report to the police if they found any acts of thuggery.