Social Media Becomes An Effective Foundation For Promoting Goods In The Current Digital Era

JAKARTA - Social media is an effective tool to promote goods in the current digital era. No need to have a shop or spend big money on promotion. Simply post the product on the internet, e-commerce, and social media, then the product sells well.

"We, as MSMEs, think only about capital, sometimes it's difficult, funny content, content that may be easy to digest, easy to remember, to the point with the community, is preferred at this time", said Fajar Sulihtiawan as Practitioner of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Social Media in the Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency of Ministry of Communication and Informatics (BAKTI Kominfo) discussion with the theme "Utilization of ICT for Education and Business", quoted on Saturday 12 June.

According to Fajar, a number of social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok have become places for people who enjoy the market, especially the younger generation.

"Young people in Indonesia are mostly on TikTok and on Instagram as far as I know, Facebook and YouTube are more general, many are following, many are using it, but for now, I tend to use Instagram and TikTok", he explained.

Promoting through Instagram, Fajar continued, on the platform can spread products without having to be friends with each other first. Meanwhile, on Facebook, you must be friends first, and on YouTube, you must subscribe first.

"On Instagram, we can use videos for 10 seconds, 15 seconds of delivery is more to the point, TikTok is like that too, the current data is that YouTube users are the most, but I think Instagram and TikTok are easier to use for MSMEs", he explained.

There are several points to note when promoting on Instagram and TikTok. Fajar explained that the content design must be attractive with a good voiceover to convey the message to be heard.

"But you don't have to have content that is too heavy, which is easy to digest. You also have to have a really extraordinary recipe so that it goes viral. If we sell tea in glasses at a shop, maybe IDR 3.000-IDR 4.000, we can sell it for IDR 9.000, how? We arrange the content, we arrange the packaging, and also the identity, then we combine it", he explained.

At the same seminar, Member of Commission I of Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Ahmad Rizki Sadiq, the youth segment could be the target of business products. Based on a study by the Central Statistics Agency, from 2019 to 2025, almost 60 percent of the youth community will grow from 270 million people

“Technology development and it is impossible to go back, it will move forward. In the past, if you wanted to go shopping to the supermarket or to the market, you usually brought your wallet, today you don't need to bring a wallet and once you have brought a debit card, you just have to stick it, now you just need to bring your gadget, everything is there as long as the balance is there", explained Ahmad Rizki Sadiq.