Gibran Bans Merchant With Car From Outside City

SOLO - Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka has temporarily banned the entry of merchants with cars from outside the city following the discovery of five traders at the souvenir market who were confirmed to have COVID-19.

"Those are all traders from outside the city, actually they (traders in cars, ed.) have been banned for a long time," Gibran said in Solo, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 11.

Gibran said that the Surakarta City Satpol PP officers had several times controlled the car dealers.

In fact, he said, so far the existence of mobile traders has been complained of by traders who sell in the market, including at Klewer Market.

"But they are a bit 'naughty', their schedule is Monday and Thursday. Thus, starting Monday tomorrow we will not allow it until an undetermined time," he said.

In the future, he said, there will be a tightening for car dealers who enter Solo, namely the results of the antigen test.

"If you 'cheat', we will 'swab' (swab test) on the spot. If they are positive, they will be immediately quarantined. Moreover, they are from the red zone, here is the green zone," added Gibran.

Meanwhile, the Chief Executive of the Surakarta City COVID-19 Task Force, Ahyani, said that five traders had tested positive for COVID-19. This finding was made after a random antigen swab test was carried out by the Surakarta City COVID-19 Task Force Team.

"They are all residents of Jepara, although they are not residents of Solo, they are the responsibility of the Solo City Government," he said.

Gibran said that currently the five of them were placed in the Haji Donohudan Dormitory to undergo centralized isolation until they tested negative for COVID-19.