Suppressing COVID-19 In Lamongan, National Police Chief Instructs To Strengthen Micro-Based Community Activity Restriction Posts

JAKARTA - The National Army (TNI) Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo resumed their working visit in order to review the handling of COVID-19 to Lamongan Regency, East Java.

In his review, Sigit asked all National Army and the National Police (TNI-Polri) personnel to strengthen micro-based community activity restriction posts (PPKM). According to him, this is an effort to suppress the growth rate of the corona virus in Lamongan Regency which is included in the yellow zone.

"The Micro PPKM Post has a very important role in suppressing the rate of development of COVID-19. Reinforce the function of the Micro PPKM post, especially in the 5M and 3T efforts", said Sigit in Lamongan, East Java, Thursday, June 10.

Currently in Lamongan Regency alone there are 474 Micro PPKM posts guarded by 946 TNI-Polri personnel. According to Sigit, the Micro PPKM must be a data-based control center in handling COVID-19.

To suppress the growth rate of the corona virus in Lamongan Regency, Sigit said that massive tracing efforts must be carried out using the Isolation Trace Ratio (RLI) method.

Then, carry out strict security in places that are used as self-isolation locations. In order to prevent the massive spread of the corona virus, Sigit stated, TNI-Polri personnel must ensure that no symptomatic patients are self-isolating at home.

"Make sure there are no symptomatic patients doing self-isolation at home, immediately evacuate to places that have been provided with existing SOPs", said Sigit.

Sigit also appreciated his staff who had made various efforts to prevent the spread of the corona virus in Lamongan. These include carrying out judicial operations, strengthening tracing and testing, educating discipline on health protocols, conducting a micro-lockdown on Sidodowo Village, Modo District due to the emergence of the celebration cluster.

Then, set up 3 security posts to limit the mobility of residents in and out of the village on the Sidodowo-Sempu border, Sidodowo-Kedungwaras border and Sidodowo-Pule border.

On the other hand, Sigit emphasized the implementation of five contingencies for handling COVID-19 in Lamongan Regency. First, the management of the village or RT that has become a cluster.

Second, tracing management and availability of Antigen Swabs.

Third, RT-PCR management and speed improvement of Laboratory results. Fourth, reactive or positive patient management, determination of self-isolation and referral to a hospital (RS).

And lastly, the management of transport evacuation is positive when there are more positive ones and the family cluster expands. Not to forget, Sigit reminded about the succession of the national vaccination program in Lamongan Regency.

"The TNI-Polri are conducting a campaign to make COVID-19 a common enemy so that the community must unite to get out of this crisis. We must be optimistic that together we can control the COVID-19 pandemic. For that, increase efforts to optimize Micro PPKM, while creating herd immunity through mass vaccination programs", concluded Sigit.