PPP Faction: What is 3 Period? Mr. Jokowi Doesn't Want

JAKARTA - PPP Deputy General Chair Arsul Sani said the discourse on extending the presidential term to three terms had absolutely no basis.

He said this was in response to the growing issue of the maximum limit for the presidential term of office being three terms after the results of a survey conducted by several political survey institutions.

The chairman of the House of Representatives of the PPP faction emphasized that Indonesian President Joko Widodo has repeatedly stated that he is not interested in serving for three terms.

"What about three periods? Mr. Jokowi's doesn't want it", Arsul said briefly at the House of Representatives building, Wednesday, June 9.

Previously, PPP had always rejected the discourse of three presidential terms in the discussion of the limited amendments to the 1945 Constitution. Because it would have the potential to create an oligarchic system and a corrupt government.

Previously, the General Chair of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) alluded to the discourse of the president for three terms not respecting democracy.

"If that's the case, the blood of the struggle of the reformers seems priceless. We are back to the dark times before the reform", said AHY, quoted from the @pdemokrat Instagram page, Wednesday, June 9.

According to him, if he later serves three terms, there is a tendency that there will be a desire to serve as the next president.

"If the (president) has 3 terms, it will never be satisfied. After that 4 periods, after that it ends for life", explained AHY.