East Java Provincial National Narcotics Agency Thwarts The Delivery Of 1.6 Kg Of Meth From Jakarta

SURABAYA - The East Java Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) has thwarted the circulation of methamphetamine from Jakarta to be sent to Surabaya. The BNNP arrested the perpetrator along with 1.6 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine in Tuban.

The head of the East Java BNNP, Brigadier-General M. Aris Purnomo, explained that the arrest was made of a male suspect with the initials MM who was the courier, and the process of confiscation of evidence.

"On Saturday 5 June 2021 at 12.30 p.m. local time, the East Java BNNP officers have succeeded in arresting a male suspect with the initials MM. The suspect was traveling using a black Avanza car with license plate number B 1722 NRD from Jakarta to Surabaya. MM stopped at the Indomaret yard, Jl.RE Martanidata Tuban to take money from an ATM when arrested", said Aris, Tuesday, June 8, 2021.

The East Java BNNP officer then conducted a search of the body and items that MM was carrying in the car. Evidence was found of two packs of methamphetamine, wrapped in Guanyinwang plastic, which was put in a yellow cloth bag and then put in a black backpack.

A total of 1.646 grams of methamphetamine were confiscated. With details of one pack with a gross weight of 1.025 grams and one with a gross weight of 621 grams. The suspect, MM, was told by his boss with the initials MW to deliver the methamphetamine to Surabaya and the meth sent by MW to MM via an online motorcycle taxi.

The plan is that the methamphetamine will be given to someone after arriving in Surabaya awaiting orders from MW.

The suspect, MM, knew MW about a week ago and was introduced by YY over the phone. Because he needed a job, the suspect, MM, wanted to be asked to be a courier and was promised a salary of IDR 16 million.

"The suspect admitted that he had received IDR 5 million in wages via transfer to a BCA account of IDR 1 million and a BRI account of IDR 4 million", he said.

Suspect MM (41 years old) was charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary to Article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.