Change Your Magnetic Debit Card To Chip-Based Card Immediately, Here's The Blocking Schedule

JAKARTA - Customers who hold old automated teller machines (ATMs) cards of the magnetic stripe type are asked to immediately replace the card with the latest type that already uses a chip. This is in line with the policy issued by Bank Indonesia (BI) regarding chip technology ATM cards.

As is known, Bank Indonesia has issued a circular letter (SE) of Bank Indonesia No. 17/52/DKSP concerning the implementation of the national standard for chip technology and the use of a 6 (six) digit online personal identification number for ATM cards and/or debit cards.

With the circular letter, all banking customers are required to use a chip-based debit ATM card starting next year and immediately exchange their old ATM cards.

Bank Indonesia informs that the exchange of the old ATM card can be done at the nearest branch office and if the ATM card has not been exchanged within the specified time limit, the card will be blocked automatically.

The following is a schedule for blocking old ATM cards compiled from various sources, namely:

Bank Mandiri

This state-owned bank has a blocking schedule in the Cleansing Mandiri Debit Magnetic program. This exchange is done free of charge only by bringing an old card to be exchanged and bringing a personal identity card.

The schedule for Bank Mandiri ATM cards blocking is as follows:

- Debit card which expires 2021-2022 will be blocked on April 1, 2021

- Debit card which expires 2023-2025 will be blocked on June 1, 2021

- Debit card which expires 2026-2030 will be blocked on July 1, 2021


Bank Central Asia (BCA) provides a longer time for their customers to change cards, which is no later than December 31, 2021. BCA also provides two alternatives for exchanging magnetic stripe cards, namely customer service at BCA branches throughout Indonesia.

Then BCA also has a self-service machine in the digital CS machine. The location can be seen on the bank's official website. As of December 2020, the number of chip-based BCA debit cards in circulation reached 18.5 million or 80 percent of the 22.5 million cards in circulation.


Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) announced that to replace old ATM cards, customers only need to bring their old ID cards and ATM cards to one of the 9.000 BRI branches throughout Indonesia. The time limit given to customers to replace their debit ATM cards is until the end of 2021 and without being charged.


Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) will also do the same with other banks, where customers are asked to immediately replace their old ATM debit cards. The schedule for blocking BNI magnetic stripe ATM cards is November 30, 2021.

To replace the old ATM debit card, customers can visit the nearest BNI branch office or through BNI SONIC (Self Service Opening Account) which serves customers up to 24 hours.


For BTN customers whose ATM card is still locked on the magnetic stripe, they can exchange the card at the branch office and the replacement is free of charge. The time limit for using non-chip ATM cards can no longer be used starting June 7, 2021.

However, this rule does not apply to a number of cards, namely Bansos ATM cards, KTM, and Cermat ATM cards.

Illustration. (Photo: Unsplash)

As is known, old debit ATMs have a number of physical characteristics, one of which is the appearance of a magnetic stripe-based ATM card that has a black line pattern that extends across the back of the card. Meanwhile, the chip ATM card has a chip on the front of the card.

The chip ATM card is not easy to duplicate. Because the installed chip has a CPU, memory, operating system, applications along with cryptographic functions and their authenticity can be ascertained by the Offline and Online Cam methods.