COVID-19 Patient Quarantine Facilities In Sorong Is Closed For Being Empty For Four Months

JAKARTA - The city government of Sorong in West Papua Province has closed the quarantine facility for COVID-19 patients without symptoms at the Kampung Salak Training Building, West Sorong District because in the last four months no one has used it.

Sorong Mayor Lambert Jitmau said that fewer people with coronavirus infections needed quarantine facilities because 96 percent of COVID-19 patients in the Sorong area had recovered.

"Hopefully the recovery rate will continue to increase", he said in Sorong, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 2.

The mayor said that health facilities in Sorong City were still on standby to handle COVID-19 patients.

"Hospitals in Sorong City have room for handling COVID-19 patients. If there are COVID-19 patients, the medical team will continue to handle them", he said.

Doctors and other health workers, he continued, are also on standby to handle cases of coronavirus transmission.

Lambert also reminded all citizens to be disciplined in carrying out health protocols to avoid the transmission of COVID-19.