Foreign Minister Retno Appreciates European Union Support In Research On COVID-19 Handling And Vaccine Multilateralism

JAKARTA - Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi appreciates the role and support of the European Union in a number of fields, from handling the COVID-19 pandemic to the economy and humanity.

This was said by Foreign Minister Retno after receiving a visit from the European Union's Head of Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 2.

As one of Indonesia's important partners, the European Union is Indonesia's third-largest trading partner with a value of USD 25.5 billion. And the sixth-largest investor with a value of USD 1.9 billion.

Most recently, the European Union provided an additional grant of 10 million euros in the German KfW project, which was channeled to strengthen the capacity of two university hospitals in South Sulawesi and East Java in research dealing with COVID-19 and other pandemics in the future.

"Indonesia and the European Union share many common values of democracy, human rights, and multilateralism. This is a strong foundation for cooperation between Indonesia and the European Union, helping to resolve differences on several issues, as well as a commitment to build partnerships for long-term strategic goals that are mutually beneficial", he explained in a virtual press release with Josep Borrel.

Josep Borrel with Retno Marsudi when delivering a press statement.

Foreign Minister Retno also thanked and appreciated the support of the European Union, related to the multilateralism of the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as the implementation of the vaccine procurement initiative program through the COVAX Facility.

"We agree on the importance of continuing to support fair and equitable access to vaccines through multilateral vaccines or the COVAX facility. The world needs commitment and global leadership to double vaccine production, raise funds for multilateral vaccine procurement", said Foreign Minister Retno.

"As one of the Co-Chairs of the AMC Engagement Group, I express my appreciation for the European Union's support for the COVAX Facility. The European Union has shown its leadership and Indonesia is paying attention to this leadership", said Retno Marsudi.

The plan is that while in Indonesia Borrel will also pay a courtesy call to President Joko Widodo, Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto, and Chair of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Meutya Hafid.