Hundreds Of Musicians Now Join Roger Waters' Consistent Steps To Boycott Israel

JAKARTA - Resistance to zionism continues to be voiced in various parts of the world. The latest is hundreds of musicians across generations. They boycotted Israel as a moral support for the people of the Gaza-Palestinian Strip.

According to a report by The Times of Israel, as of May 29, at least 600 musicians worldwide have signed the boycott. In that attitude, the musicians stated that they refused any invitation to any kind of event held in Israel.

"We ask all of you, to join us, on your behalf by refusing to appear in any institution related to Israel", reads the call for action.

The call, reportedly has been widely voiced since last week, with Roger Waters as one of them. Of course, Waters couldn't have missed this.

Roger Waters and other musicians

Roger Waters is one of the most consistent musicians in moral resistance to Israeli aggression and occupation of Palestine. Several times Waters also protested the blockade of the Gaza Strip.

In addition to Waters, Julian Casablancas, vocalist for the rock band The Strokes; Patti Smith; Rage Against the Machine; Serj Tankian; and hip-hop duo Run the Jewel also signed the boycott.

In fact, a number of Jewish musicians, such as Peter Silberman of The Antlers took part. "They believe that Israel has carried out a project of colonialism, and ethnic cleansing to eliminate the population in Palestine", it wrote.

Not just musicians, actually. Previously, other celebrities and artists also voiced their rejection of the Israeli aggression against Palestine.

Some actors and actresses even went to the streets to campaign in support of Palestine. They went down with humanitarian activists to push for the independence of the Palestinian people.

*Read other information about Israel-Palestine or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.

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