Get To Know Inner And Outer Planets In Solar System, What's The Difference?

JAKARTA - In the beginning, prehistoric humans interpreted planets and stars as embodiments of gods. They associate this object, as well as its movements, with phenomena on earth. Such as rain, floods, weather changes, and tidal waves.

Slowly, when letters were discovered, knowledge was produced and disseminated, human understanding of celestial bodies began to develop. Now, we know the system of galaxies, stars, satellites, the solar system, to black holes.

Meanwhile, among the millions of types of celestial bodies, planets in the solar system still have many mysteries. And to reveal it slowly, it's good for us to recognize the planetary system in our solar system.

Division of Planet Types in the Solar System

Planets are celestial bodies that cannot emit light on their own. Planets move around the sun in a motion called revolution.

Based on the findings and provisions of astronomers, there are eight planets orbiting the sun in the solar system. The whole planet is still divided into two categories. Namely the category of outer planets and inner planets.

The difference between Inner and Outer Planets

Citing CK.12, astronomers divide the planets into two types based on their location measured from the orbit of the asteroid. So, it can be concluded that the inner planets are planets that are in the asteroid belt.

Meanwhile, the outer planets are planets that are located outside the asteroid belt. And because of this division, each type is filled by four planets.

Definition of Inner Planet

For the inner planets, it consists of Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Earth. The characteristics of this type of planet are usually high temperature, shorter duration of revolution, and slower rotation of the planet.

From a geological perspective, the inner planets are usually composed of rock and iron cores. Due to its location close to the sun, the planet in its nature does not have many satellites.

As is known, Mercurius and Venus are planets in the solar system that do not have satellites. Whereas Earth has one satellite (i.e. the moon) and Mars has two.

Definition of Outer Planets

Conversely, outer planets are planets located outside the asteroid belt. And those included in the outer planets include Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune.

On average, the outer planets have a larger size than the inner planets. And most of the outer planets are composed of elements of gas and water. Therefore, there are astronomers who call it a Giant Gas.

This giant gas is composed of hydrogen and helium which are the main elements. Also, the same elements that make up the Sun.

All the outer planets have a large number of satellites. Not only that, but on average the outer planets also have planetary rings - which are composed of dust and other small particles that surround the planet.