192 Homecomers Tested Positive COVID-19, A Neighborhood In Ciracas Is Affected By The Transmission

JAKARTA - Regional Police (Polda Metro Jaya) said 192 homecomers who arrived in Jakarta were affected by COVID-19. The amount is based on tracing results for 4 days since May 16.

"Found 192 who were reactive or positive. From the people of Jakarta who performed Eid homecoming", Metro Jaya Police Public Relations Chief Commissioner Yusri Yunus told reporters on Thursday, May 20.

Hundreds of people who were declared positive were from 40.916 homecomers. They underwent swab antigen tests at 14 sealing points and a door-to-door scheme conducted by officers.

"A total of 52 people have been sent to Wisma Atlet and 99 people have been asked for self-isolation", Yusri said.

Meanwhile, the rest are required to undergo isolation at the nearest hospital with the address of each traveler. Because they live outside the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya.

Self-isolation and tracing are essential to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. Even in Ciracas area, East Jakarta, there has been transmission so that micro lockdown is being implemented.

"We must think about how we can reduce the positive number of COVID-19. The easiest example is in East Jakarta in Ciracas and Cipayung. It was spread to 10 people in Ciracas neighborhood, so micro lockdown is being implemented there", said Yusri.

Yusri said initially that the exposure to COVID-19 in Ciracas area was only three people. But it spread very quickly to seven others.

"There are 10 people who tested positive in one neighborhood from 3 people at the beginning. Then it spread to the other seven in just a few days. Fortunately, it was discovered quickly and we did a check and swab antigen test on them. We did a swab antigen test on the 25 homecomers in Cipayung. Of the 25 homecomers, there are 16 positive and we asked them to do self-isolation", said Yusri.